MINI Information

VIN - Country Order TC00105 - UK102
Model Cooper
Colour Red
Owner Known Yes
Mileage 88654
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Last MOT Date 2024-05-24
MOT Expiry Date 2025-05-24
Data Updated 2024-07-11
Vehicle History

Mileage History

Other Information

What we know

Y539 OBL is VIN Number 105, built on the first day of full production and being one of only 12 built that day according to records. It was bought from Laindon in Essex and although I am the 5th owner on the log book ,two of those are dealers. The car features the grooved seats which apparently didn't make it to full production...possibly apart from this car maybe unless they were added later but the rarity of the seats would suggest this is probably not the case.

Photo of Red Y Reg BMW MINI Cooper R50 Registration Number Y539OBL image 1
Photo of Red Y Reg BMW MINI Cooper R50 Registration Number Y539OBL image 2
Photo of Red Y Reg BMW MINI Cooper R50 Registration Number Y539OBL image 3